Boooom ! Last Saturday there was amazing FMB World Tour contest in Rybnik. Riders from whole Poland appeared to show their tricks on big jumps. Not only Polish riders took part in contest, there were two friends from abroad – Māris Orniņš from Latvia and Loek Quaedflieg from the Netherlands.
During the contest and best trick there were many bangers e.g double-backflip, cork 720, 360-tailwhip-bar, massive motowhips and many more.
There were some other contest parallel: 4X, Mountainboard Boardercross (Polish ATB league), Mountainboard Freestyle, skating. The weather was actually excellent – sun, sun and sun, not even a small cloud.
I can’t wait till next event from the Dirt Jumping Cup series – Wodzislaw Slaski at 4th of July ’15 !
Firefighters were watering the landings cause they were so dry
Huge nohander oldschool by Bartek Pope Obukowicz
Māris Orniņš and his cork 720 !
Kuba Sidzina and frontflip oldschool !
Loek Quaedflieg – backflip no-hander oldschool
Kacper Matowicki and his spectacular SUPERMAN SEATGRAB ! High and huge trick
Kuba Grudziński and 360 on 1st jump
Massive backflip nacnac on 1st jump by Szymon Godziek
1. Loek Quaedflieg
2. Marek Łebek
3. Szymon Godziek
4. Māris Orniņš
5. Kuba Sidzina
See you guys at the next event !
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